Mayor launches new framework to help diversify architecture and design in London

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan today announced a new panel of innovative and diverse built environment specialists to support his mission to build a better London for everyone.

The new Architecture and Urbanism (A+U) Framework provides a diverse, pre-approved panel of built environment consultants, making it quicker and easier for organisations like councils and housing associations to commission high quality expertise for certain types of public sector projects in London.

The A+U Framework can be used by the Greater London Authority Group and other public sector commissioning authorities to appoint high-quality architectural, place making and urban planning design services for a range of built environment projects. It is organised into 10 different categories of work to ensure high standards at every stage of the design process.

It replaces the Architecture Design and Urbanism Panel 2 (ADUP2), first established in 2018. Over its four years the ADUP2 was used by 45 public organisations a total of 163 times to procure over £45m worth of professional services. Of this, approximately £10.3m is from the Greater London Authority Group, with the remaining spend from London boroughs and other public sector organisations.

Following successful completion of the procurement process, which saw 578 submissions from 273 suppliers, the final 96 places on the new Framework have now been awarded to 65 suppliers.

More than half (57 per cent) of places on the Framework have been awarded to ‘diverse-led’ enterprises, meaning at least half of their executive leadership identifies as female, Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic, disabled and/or members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The Deputy Mayor for planning, regeneration and skills, Jules Pipe, said: “The launch of the new Architecture and Urbanism Framework is an important step towards London’s recovery from the pandemic and the creation of a better, greener, more sustainable London for all.

“It’s crucial that those involved in the transformation of London are representative of all who live here, which is why the Mayor and I are pleased to see such a diverse range of practitioners with high quality skills and experience being awarded places on the Framework.

“We look forward to seeing how this new cohort of suppliers apply their world-class expertise to support public sector clients deliver the low-carbon, sustainable and inclusive recovery that London needs.”

Kyle Buchanan and Mellis Haward, directors of Archio, said: “The GLA’s A+U Framework is a great opportunity for London, providing public bodies with access to new thinking from emerging talent, while maintaining a strong focus on design quality, social value and sustainability.

“We’re really pleased to have been awarded places on the Lots for Housing and Station Site development, particularly as the latter is often reserved for much bigger practices. At Archio our focus is community-led design, and we are looking forward to bringing that expertise to the framework and to the opportunities afforded by this new process.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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