Member Article

County Durham Set For Council Tax Rise

Households in County Durham are facing a 4.6% increase on their council tax under the Council’s plan to step up help for vulnerable people. Durham County Council has confirmed that Band D Council tax payers will see an increase of 82 pence per week in the coming year, seeing bills rise by £42.57 a year to £967.41.

The hike comes under what Leader Ken Manton earlier described as “the toughest ever budget-building programme.” Deputy Council Leader Don Ross said the increase was essential “to enable the Authority to balance a disappointingly low increase in Government funding.” He said: “The savings mean that in addition to finding money to meet general inflation costs of around £9.5 million, we can re-direct more than £8 million into helping meet the increased demand for services from some of the most vulnerable people in the county.

“The vast majority of savings have been found in ‘back-room’ services through cutting administration, management and support costs as part of the council’s continuing drive towards maximum efficiency and value for money.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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