Member Article

Llamas Lead The Way to Love

Lonely hearts can now use llamas to find true love in a new speed-dating scheme.

The ‘L-Love Treks’ in Kendal will give single people the chance to meet their perfect match while strolling with llamas. The llamas, more used to Peruvian highlands than Cumbrian hills, are part of a specialist centre providing horse riding and llama walking for disabled and disadvantaged adults and children. Mary Walker, owner of the centre, said: “Llamas are gentle, intelligent creatures and make ideal walking companions, so we were confident that the llama trekking business would take off in Kendal as it is such a wonderful way to take some exercise and see the countryside. “Chatting over a llama is certainly a novel way to meet people in a relaxed environment, and participants can enjoy a romantic picnic afterwards - carried by the ever obliging llamas in their backpacks.”

See the Lakeland Llamas website for more information.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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