Member Article

Pattinson Scientific celebrates 150 years in business

To mark its 150th anniversary, Scotswood-based Pattinson Scientific Services Ltd took its staff on a riverboat trip down the Tyne, as a thank you for all their hard work.

Established in 1858 by J and H S Pattinson in The Side, Newcastle upon Tyne, the firm concentrated on coal purity testing and food analysis.

Now owned and managed by directors John Scown, Chris Gilliead and Karl Reid, Pattinson’s offers problem-solving services to industry, local authorities and individuals in building and environmental investigations, occupational health, health and safety and training.

Chris Gilliead said: “We feel it’s a great achievement that the company is still in business 150 years on and believe this is as a result of our ability to be aware of our customers’ changing needs and ensure our services continue to match them.”

“The firm comprises highly specialist sections carrying out a range of work from individual analysis on routine samples to complex problem-solving projects,” “Obviously, the work we do has changed hugely since the company started out and we use the latest technology alongside classical techniques with well-established methods. The emphasis is always on quality.”

Looking to the future Chris said that Pattinson’s aim remains the same as it has always been - to meet the requirements of all their customers by providing a highly professional service.

“We recognise that we are operating in a very competitive market, particularly in the current economic climate,” he acknowledged. “But we are very optimistic that the quality of our service will always be in demand. We are recently completed work in Finland and Spain and are currently pricing for work in Abu Dhabi and Bulgaria.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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