Member Article

Tees Valley has the seeds for success

The Tees Valley has the right ingredients for future economic success despite facing severe cutbacks in public sector spending, a gathering of entrepreneurs heard yesterday.

Speaking at the North East Chamber of Commerce’s (NECC) Tees Valley annual meeting, Stephen Catchpole, managing director of Tees Valley Unlimited said that having a number of high value manufacturing companies was a significant positive for the area.

He said: “We are in a new world. We will have less public investment, but we have to make sure we in the Tees Valley get our fair share of that public investment.

“But what’s much more important is to stimulate private sector investment. We will work with you to create the conditions so it is worthwhile financially for the private sector to invest without the need for gap funding.”

NECC’s newly-appointed Tees Valley committee chairman, Peter Broome of Python Properties, told more than 70 business people that attended the meeting that the area was enjoying increasingly positive signs for the future.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ruth Mitchell .

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