
Fine-tuning your online brand

It has never been easier for anyone to access a complete account of your business at the simple click of a search button. This means that a possible client or business partner has the upper hand in what to expect of your company’s image, goals and how you do business.

Online branding is no longer a side-project for your company but instead has become a crucial factor in how you are perceived to the wider world and also affects your opportunities when being surveyed by potential business prospects.

A strong online brand is not rocket science but does require time and effort to get it right. The fine-tuning of your digital image may be the difference between someone wishing to contact you or not and so here are a few tips to put into practice to effectively sell your brand:


All your company’s digital platforms should be working towards one goal. The purpose of an online brand is to showcase your image as universal across your social media accounts, website, LinkedIn account and any other profiles. This means that all addresses, taglines, information and contact details should match up on all sites and should be easily accessible from one another.

If a potential client misses something of potential interest on your website, then it may appear on their Facebook newsfeed or their Twitter account. It is all about mass-projecting your message to as wide an audience as possible.

Account security

Nothing sends a bad impression to potential clients like accounts that do not seem efficiently cared for. If your email inbox is compromized and sending out spam emails then it can put off people from contacting you. Your online brand can benefit from email hosted on a secure server which could protect your account from bombarding your contacts with spam messages.

Another advantage of using a hosted email security solution is that it can help to cut down the amount of spam content that you receive, meaning that you are less likely to miss important messages and great opportunities.

Further information on email security solutions can be found at Mimecast.com whom provide a complete range of email management services for your business.

Strong Logo

A visual reaction to your company’s design is the most basic level of response to your online branding, but really can be the difference of whether a client wishes to look further or move on to another potential company.

A strong logo will be applicable across all platforms and reflect the area of your business. Most of the time, a simple design can be the most effective and there are many budding graphic designers who would jump at the chance to help create a strong logo for your company.

With a little care and attention, an online brand can highlight your company as a top competitor and also make you seem professional yet approachable to interested parties. The more work you put in, the more your profile gives back.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Peter Rivers .

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