Member Article

Leeds Supporters Trust says "pantomime" of LUFC buy-out has left the credibility of GFH "in tatters"

The Leeds United Supporters Trust has criticised GFH for its handling of the Leeds buy-out, and also been previously asked to issue a statement from the Mike Farnan consortium concerning their involvement in the Sports Capital buy out.

The Supporters Trust was asked to issue a statement to its 9000 members from the Mike Farnan consortium that is rumored to be in talks with GFH which said that “The value offered was significantly in excess of the amount publicly reported.”

It also said “Our bid remains fully funded, and our strategy involves credible Yorkshire and football people, with Leeds and the community at their heart, rebuilding this great club. We think that our consortium is the best future custodian of the club and represents the best way forward.”

“In recent days, before and since the collapse of the Sport Capital bid, we have re-engaged with GFH, and offered significant investment into the club.”

The statement on the Leeds United Supporters Trust website concerning the continued confusion over the buy out reads:

The board of the Leeds United Supporters Trust would like to thank our members, who have responded in great numbers to our request for their opinion on recent events at our club. We would also like to thank the local MPs who have offered us support and their own opinions too.

It is clear that emotions are running high and there is a lot of confusion, frustration and anger about what became almost a pantomime performance of events at Elland Road and Thorp Arch.

Our members believe this has damaged the image of LUFC, left the credibility of our current owners in tatters and made the intentions of our potential new owner at the very best questionable.

Over 75% of members, who have responded so far, have indicated that, given the events of last week and the weekend, they do not feel that Mr Cellino would either understand LUFC supporters or be good for the club.

Regarding the Together Leeds bid, our members indicated they would like to know more about the people involved, their potential to provide finance for the club and what their plan would be to take Leeds United forward.

Overwhelmingly, our members offered massive support for Brian McDermott, and appreciation for the dignified way he has behaved under such unique circumstances.

We are still receiving responses, and encourage our members to keep sending us their views, which will guide our actions as the situation develops.

Quotes from supporters:

Josh Burley, 23 from Harrogate said: “Leeds fans have been messed around for many years now with who owns the club or who wants to take over. It’s becoming very tedious.

“The latest farce with the Italian who tried to take over the club and sack Brian McDermott was a joke.

“Even though Leeds have been in a recent bad run of form the majority of Leeds fans including myself still want him in charge and give him enough time to weedle out the deadwood that Neil Warnock left behind.

“With regards to who owns the club all Leeds United fans want is somebody who actually cares about the club and is willing to invest in the team and make a real challenge for the Priemership which is the ultimate goal, and where we should rightfully be.”

’Sheldon’ also from Harrogate commented on the site: “I’d like to know the Trust’s views on the role of Haigh and Patel and Nooruddin in the fiasco that GFH allowed to happen over the last week, not just the weekend.

“Were they out of the window because they were compromised from the Sports Capital bid? Or were they party to this disaster? Incidentally, this has led to LUFC being the top story and on every sports media outlet coinciding with a fantastic victory and the fans coming together as one to support McDermott. That is the silver lining.

“I would like the Trust to remain slightly apart from the club and retain its independence and ability to dig out the truth and ask difficult and searching questions. It has felt a little too cosy since GFH came in.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Clare Burnett .

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