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Humber firm making biofuels from used cooking oil backed by government initiatives

Humber firm Brocklesby Ltd, backed by a government campaign to support British businesses, is helping to cut carbon footprints and combat climate change, by turning waste cooking and food oils into biofuels.

The East Yorkshire company specialises in recycling used cooking oils and fatty acids, either collecting them, having them delivered or helping companies by installing processing facilities to extracts oils and fats from the waste streams produced by food manufacturers.

The used cooking oil is processed into ‘refined’ oil which is then used as a prime feedstock for the UK’s biodiesel industry.

Brocklesby Ltd is receiving support from the “Business is GREAT” campaign and also benefited from the Growth Accelerator , a unique service led by growth specialists, where businesses can find new connections and new routes to investment.

UK businesses. including Brocklesby, are now more than ever committed to producing energy from sustainable and renewable sources, according to the statement.

Brocklesby have cultivated strong links with a large number of food manufacturers in the UK and Ireland and provide a supply chain management service for all their waste vegetable oil streams.

The company also work closely with major UK retailers and have processed their used cooking oil into products, primarily for use in the biofuels industry.

The firm’s seven acre NorthCave site is currently working at full capacity - 24 hours, seven days a week.

Owner Robert Brocklesby said: “I’ve been absolutely delighted with the service provided under the GrowthAccelerator programme; it has given the company and myself such a boost and provided me with the firm foundations to enable substantial growth.

“Having the right mentor is crucial and mine is a genuine, knowledgeable, professional individual who has helped my business in many ways.

“It is almost immeasurable how beneficial it is to have someone external to the business come in and regularly review and positively challenge our progress. I would highly recommend the Growth Accelerator program to other business people as well.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Clare Burnett .

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