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Work begins on £1.3m South Tyneside housing development
Construction work has begun on a £1.3 million project to build 12 affordable bungalows for older people in South Tyneside.
Social landlord Isos Housing is working alongside South Tyneside Council and housing developer Keepmoat Homes to get the Hebburn site ready for housing.
The land has been acquired from the Roman Catholic diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, with the bungalows to replace the old St James Church Parish Hall.
The Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) has contributed more than £300k of funding towards the building of the new bungalows.
Keepmoat Homes is now on site, developing the high quality two bedroom bungalows for Isos, with the aim that the new homes will be completed and ready for residents by the end of the year.
A new access road will be constructed into the site, the bungalows will all have parking spaces, and the site will be landscaped on completion.
Janice Coatesworth, development and regeneration officer for Isos Housing, said: “This will be a high quality development, providing fully accessible homes for the older generation in Hebburn. At a time of housing crisis, we know bungalows can be beneficial for the whole community – older residents move into brand new properties, and they leave behind family homes for the next generation to move into.”
Ian Prescott, land and partnerships’ director at Keepmoat, said: “The bungalows are designed in a courtyard style, providing safe and secure housing for older people.
“They will achieve Level 3 of the Government’s Code for Sustainable Homes, making them greener than is required by building regulations. This is the third new development that we have started in recent months in South Tyneside which is a reflection of how positive the council has been towards regeneration in the borough.”
Councillor Nancy Maxwell, chair of the Place Committee and a ward councillor for Hebburn South on South Tyneside Council, said: “This development will provide new, high quality homes to meet the needs and aspirations of older people in the borough.
“Hebburn is a wonderful place to live and the town is currently undergoing an extensive regeneration programme that will provide impressive facilities and resources for residents and visitors to the region.”
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Graham Vincent .
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