Diane Sharp

Member Article

SCM Pharma boss takes North East CBI helm

The managing director of Newburn-based pharmaceutical firm SCM Pharma has been appointed as regional director by the CBI North East.

Diane Sharp will take the helm at the influencial business body having been managing director at SCM Pharma since 2010 and helped to establish the company’s US office.

She previously led Bishop Auckland-based Mechetronics to establish operations in China and India. Dianne is a qualified accountant and has an MBA from Durham University Business School.

Commenting on her appointment, she said: “As a passionate advocate of the North East and with real experience of the opportunities and challenges in growing a business here, I am delighted to join the CBI during this critical period.

“As the economy continues to grow, this puts real pressure on many businesses to scale up production, requiring more investment and more people with the right skills. It is key that we get this right in the North East, if we want to secure a stable economy, more jobs for young people, and wage increases and improved standards of living for all.

“The CBI’s role is to ensure that we create the right environment for businesses to grow and I’ll be working hard to make sure that growth happens in the North East. I have been a member of the CBI for some time, understand the critical role it plays in the business community and therefore am delighted to have this opportunity to lead CBI North East.

“The North East is the only region of England with a positive balance of trade and it is vital that our companies get the support they need to export and enter new markets. As someone who has grown medium-sized businesses to do just that, I am well placed to work with government to make this happen.

“I also feel very strongly about the role of manufacturing in the North East economy. We have a proud heritage of making things here and with the innovation I see working with the region’s universities, we also have a great future. We need to get this message out.

“I look forward to working with businesses across the region, big, medium and small, to help build on what we’ve already achieved and make sure, as the economic recovery picks up, the North East punches above its weight.”

CBI North East regional chair, Heidi Mottram, added: “Dianne brings a wealth of experience to this role. Having led growing businesses in the North East, she knows what local businesses need to succeed and thrive.

“With businesses in the North reporting growth and our continued leading position in exports, it is vital as we head towards the election in 2015 that we have a strong voice for our region influencing all the main political parties as they prepare their manifestos.

“Dianne’s understanding and direct experience of regional businesses ensure she will be a powerful advocate for businesses across the North East, making sure the voice of the region’s business community is heard locally, nationally and internationally.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Tom Keighley .

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