Charlotte Academy

Member Article

Enterprising Royal Grammar School teacher launches performing arts business

A teacher at Newcastle’s Royal Grammar School says she ditched plans to buy a house in favour of starting her own performing arts business.

Charlotte Gardiner has already recruited three staff for her children’s performing arts summer camp, to be launched over the coming summer holidays.

The private school teacher says her decision to go into business was prompted by her own advice to students to follow their dreams.

Charlotte and her staff will lead a series of musical theatre classes over a four week period during the school holidays.

She told Bdaily: “I often find myself tapping away to songs in assembly and finding an excuse to dance whenever the mood strikes - and I always tell the children in my class to follow their dreams - so I thought it was time I practised what I preach.

“Many of the children in the junior school attend my ballet and musical theatre classes at the RGS, and I thought now was as good a time as any to set up on my own. Now is the right time to do it.”

Three years at stage school and a National Diploma in Professional Musical Theatre from Trinity College London gives Charlotte the credentials to market her academy.

She has also worked with Teachers TV - delivering ballet workshops to a number of schools. The scheme led to a series on the benefits of performing arts in education.

Charlotte says she was motivated to give children a taste of what stage school is like, while providing parents with an affordable product.

The Jesmond-based academy will give children the opportunity to discover performing arts, including hip-hop, rap, circus skills, stage combat and jazz classes, as well as vocal technique classes.

Charlotte added: “I was very grateful to find the studios at Famous 4.15 in Jesmond. Katherine, the owner, has been very accommodating and I am excited to hold my summer school at such a fabulous venue.

“It has a very ‘homely’ feel and, with spacious and well equipped studios, it was an easy decision to hold my workshops there.

“The North East is thriving with opportunities for young performers, but I wanted to offer something different.”

Workshops will run from Monday, July 7 to Friday August 1, from 9.30am to 3.30pm, with extra care available from 8.15 – 5.30.

For more information on the academy, call Charlotte on 07773147342 or email

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Tom Keighley .

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