Derwentside Homes

Derwentside homes announces £2.3 million eco-project

Housing provider Derwentside homes has begun work to improve the environmental efficiency of 200 homes in County Durham.

The not-for-profit organisation, which runs and manages 6,700 properties across North Durham, has appointed Keepmoat to improve the wall and loft insulation to properties in Leadgate, Langley Park and Stanley.

The total cost of the improvements is estimated at £2.3 million with £900k secured through Government grants. Derwentside Homes secured £160k of Green Deal funding through the Department of Energy and Climate Change whilst Keepmoat secured £740k worth of grant through the Energy Companies Obligation.

Work has already commenced to make improvements to more than 200 homes, which will provide more insulation and help residents save money on fuel bills.

David Milburn, partnering and procurement manager from Derwentside Homes, said: “This eco-project will improve the fuel economy of over 200 homes across North Durham and will help our tenants stay warmer.

The new insulation will mean that they will not have to use up as much heating, which will hopefully save them money in the long term.“

Lee Francis, Area Director from Keepmoat, said: “We are pleased to be working with Derwentside Homes to improve over 200 homes and make them more fuel and energy efficient. We have carried out similar works on other properties across the North East and those tenants have already praised how much different their homes are and how they have saved money on their fuel bills.”

The works are expected to take six months to carry out and those properties that will receive improved wall insulation and loft top ups will be contacted directly by Derwentside Homes.

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