PM David Cameron at the event

Over 1000 companies helped by UKTI as International Festival of Business reaches half way mark

Over 1000 companies ranging from new start-ups to big multinationals have attended UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) events at the International Festival of Business (IFB) over the last three weeks, with many more opportunities still to come.

Since the Prime Minister launched the International Festival for Business on Monday June 9, companies keen to grow their export business have flocked to attend the series of market and sector focussed events and to make the most of one to one sessions with business experts and buyers being facilitated by the Business Brokerage service.

In the last three weeks, over 1000 companies have attended a dozen UKTI events at the IFB, UK companies have met buyers and experts from over 50 countries, over 500 one-to-one meetings have taken place and over 300 companies have registered for the British Business Embassy according to UKTI.

Clive Drinkwater, regional director, UKTI North West said: “We are just half way through the Festival and the response so far has been fantastic. A world of opportunity is available here, whatever the size of your business and whatever your export ambitions.

“Our events have covered markets from Ethiopia to Egypt, and from Slovakia to Singapore, with plenty more to come in the next three weeks.

“I have moved my office to Liverpool for the duration of the festival, and seen plenty of enthusiastic delegates meeting experts from all over the world. I am sure that plenty of business is being done in this fantastic setting.”

“We are only half way through the Festival and further UKTI events are coming up on India, China and Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea as well events covering international opportunities in the Food& Drink, Business & Professional Services and Creative& Digital Sectors.

“I have just completed my first Export Clinic, which are free workshops where companies can drop in and get all their export questions answered. I am also going to be hosting more on 8th and 16th July. There will also be a constant UKTI presence at the IFB Hub on Mann Island until the end of the festival on 22nd July.”

“The Hub is also providing a dedicated trading floor where country representatives, embassies and international delegates will be available, providing an opportunity to meet people from over 80 different countries right on the doorstep, and to help companies make sure their contacts are the right ones.

“I would really encourage businesses to make time for this unique opportunity and look forward to seeing you all there.”

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