Nick Clegg

Bollywood comes to Manchester with £13 million investment

The Deputy Prime Minister has welcomed at £13 million investment from a Bollywood production company in the UK, including setting up a new post-production facility in Manchester.

During his visit to a film set in Mumbai, Nick Clegg announced that Vistaar Productions’ new Manchester base will be used as a hub for editing Indian films being shot in the UK.

The project is expected to create jobs as well as attract further investment from the Bollywood industry.

Vistaar announced it will be investing £13 million in the UK over the next 18 months, including approximately £3.9 million for the British filming of Veda and £7.2 million in the new production Guru Dutt, which will be partly made in the UK.

The Deputy Prime Minister said: “I wish Vistaar every success in their UK venture. Amid the colour, the drama and the spectacle of Bollywood, it is easy to forget how important it is to the Indian economy, generating hundreds of millions of pounds in Mumbai and the rest of India.

“As we have seen with American co-productions on a grand scale, Britain is one of the world’s top destinations for film makers. I hope Indian producers will follow their counterparts in the US and take advantage of the UK’s facilities, expertise and glorious locations to create the next Indian Star Wars or Game of Thrones.”

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