Michael Price and Jonathan Graham of Inward Revenue with the Beeston Brownies

Member Article

Leeds based business supports local Brownie Group

Leeds-based recruitment consultancy, Inward Revenue, has pledged to raise £3,000 to send the Beeston Brownies and Girl Guides troops on an adventure holiday.

Having discovered that the group – which is facing on-going funding challenges – was unable to raise the money from the local community to send the 21 girls on a trip that would benefit their skills development, the business has agreed to foot the cost of the holiday.

Based in a less privileged area of the city, Beeston Brownies and Girl Guides has a lack of resources that has meant its membership is down 66% compared to the three year waiting lists in more affluent areas of Leeds. With parents also unable to fund the trip, the local company has stepped in to help.

Brownie leader, Vicky Ambridge outlined the opportunity:

“This is a fantastic opportunity for the troops, but we are increasingly finding ourselves in the situation where financial support is simply unobtainable. The Inward Revenue team have been a huge help, not only offering to raise the funds, but also working with us to source new revenue streams. The holiday we are hoping to take the girls on is an adventure holiday run by PGL (www.pgl.co.uk). This would be a three night stay away from home (and parents) giving the girls opportunities to participate in adventurous outdoor activities such as zip wire, archery, rock climbing, canoeing, jacobs ladder, quad biking, leap of faith and more. The holiday provides the girls with an amazing opportunity to try new things, challenge themselves and make and develop friendships.”

Michael Price, Director at Inward Revenue commented:

“It’s almost unthinkable to imagine the girls would have to miss out on such a fantastic experience due to a lack of funding and we will do what we can to raise the money. In order to encourage others to get involved, we have also set up a referral scheme which means that if we are given a lead that results in a hire, Inward Revenue will pay for one child to go on this trip.”

“Activities such as this Brownie event will shape the future generation of the workforce. Without such life experiences we will find more and more individuals entering the world of work with an overly academic mind and little in the way of general skills. That’s why all of the team at Inward Revenue would encourage more local businesses and employees to get involved in helping the community around them grow.”

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Inward Revenue .

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