Key differences between Personal & Business Mobile Phones - Agile Group, 2015

Member Article

Key differences between business & personal mobile phones

Business mobile phone packages are on the rise, with 41% of North East based businesses now having business mobile phone packages. But with more businesses taking on these packages, what are the risks to the business in terms of employee productivity or motivation?

When a business issues out mobile phones to its employees, undoubtedly, the first question will always be “What can I do about my own/personal mobile phone?” Employees will immediately be left in that limbering position of asking to what extent the device can be used for personal usage. Carrying two handsets around at once isn’t particularly convenient and in a World where humans naturally look for shortcuts, an employee’s preference will always be to combine personal and business handsets as one. But an employer will naturally be wanting the device to be used for business use only, or at least in the beginning until a certain trust is established.

The business must, of course, first weight up the advantages and disadvantages of issuing mobile phones to its employees. Businesses tend to go for mobile phone packages as they tend to be cheaper due to the higher call volume and subsequent deals available. It allows constant communication between employees, customers and suppliers, particularly after working hours or on a weekend. It also makes the company look professional and ahead of the game. It shows their customers that they have been issued mobile phones because they want to be contacted at any time should they be needed.

There is always the risk that employees are easily distracted by their mobile phones when at work. All it takes is a ‘ping’ on your screen from a social network platform to say that someone is trying to connect with you and employees could find themselves immediately transported to their virtual social circuit. That will lead to lower concentration and productivity from employees. Most Businesses cannot afford to have employees slacking on production or unmotivated with their work and tend to find ways to reduce the likelihood of this in their day to day routine. Would a mobile phone hinder on this? There is also the issue with use of social media having an impact on higher data usage. If your package is not built to accommodate, this could increase the costs the business faces.

Throughout all of the decision making process for a business, their main focus must be on having trust in the employees. Trust that they are sensible and reliable enough to use the phones accordingly. Writing up a policy on company mobile phone use should be done to clearly establish the boundaries for use. The financials involved and the potential production level increase away from the desk sways in the favour of businesses.

If you want some advice and support on a mobile phone package for your business, contact Agile Group today on 0871 700 2228

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by David Elvis .

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