Partner Article
Gemanoids may play a part in real estate?
The last few years has seen technology advance at a phenomenal rate. From stem cell therapy, 3D Printing, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and the creation of Gemanoids we are heading towards a civilization very much like the ones we have seen portrayed in many of the sci-fi films throughout the last decade. Are we witnessing the next huge leap in evolution – humanoids – part man part robot? We will see!
However as technology changes and the advancement of software increases, more and more companies are coming to fruition and are we in the Real Estate world starting to see the same trend as was seen in the travel industry. How many travel agents are still on the high street, how many were swallowed up by the large conglomerates? During 2014 another 45% of all high street Travel agents have closed their doors for good. We are seeing this trend due to the number of internet savvy travellers that are having a massive impact on the high street travel agents. This however is only part of the problem, as the large companies are still doing well and indeed recovering their market share – it is the smaller independents that are suffering.
The real estate industry isn’t all that different, we have thousands of small independents dotted from village to village, town to town and coast to coast. What is going to happen to us if we continue to allow the internet giants take over our business?
Well are we really that similar? Spending a few hundred to a few thousand pounds on a holiday is completely different. You choose a destination and look at a hotel, will it be breakfast only or all inclusive and click holiday booked. When it comes to buying a house there are so many other permutations to consider and I for one know that we as agents are an invaluable cog in this mighty decision making wheel.
Here is where it gets interesting… We are a nation that is becoming more and more transient and well, there doesn’t seem to be enough time to do anything what with the demands put upon us be our jobs, our family and society in general.
Buyers in the UK make a trip from Lands end to John O’groats to check out the area and view a few houses then spend another few weeks deliberating what if I travelled that little bit farther would I get more bang for my buck. What are the schools like, are there free places in those schools. Well I tell you now ZOOPLA can’t answer those questions and I don’t think the New Robot employed by the huge corporation to site in a satellite office will be able to help either. Fortunately Its down to us!
But we still have to offer a better service to our clients, those we know and those we are yet to meet.
A recent scenario Fred and Wilma live in a small village in England. They need to relocate to a convenient location between Inverness and Aberdeen. They put their house on the market with a small independent (AGENT Number 1) and asked the agent would he mind contacting a few agents in the Inverness/Aberdeen area to help find a house similar to the one that they are selling. “NO Sorry we don’t do that…” Why asked Wilma. We don’t get involved with other agents as there is no commission in it for us. I would recommend that you take a trip to the are and do your own research or check “stuff” online!
Well to say the least Fred and Wilma were miffed – took the listing away from the agent and went to another smaller independent (AGENT Number 2). This agent said – well I have never done this before but what a good Idea. The Scottish agent contacted several other agents in the Aberdeen and Inverness area and sent them all a very well written brief.
Twelve days later Fred and wilma flew to Aberdeen, booked into a small B&B recommended by one of the Scottish agents, viewed 9 houses, purchased one, the Scottish agent split the commission with the agent in England and within a few days AGENT Number 2 had also sold their house. Double bubble.
Furthermore, this agent has had a meeting with the company Fred works for and has started to help with employee relocation. NOW THAT’S One SMART LADY! Oh yes by the way, Fred is a Highly paid director in charge of hundreds if not thousands of staff moving all around the world. Now how does that make you feel Agent Number 1? (greedy, unhelpful, narrow minded T**!) Agent Number 2 is a beacon to us all.
So looping back to technology if in the future Gemanoids are going to play an integral part in our industry, it is only through collaboration and willingness (that microprocessors seem have in abundance) to go that little bit further that we as agents can and will succeed. People place their trust in other people, especially when it comes to home and family.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Joe Graham .