Partner Article
OneE Group becomes a Recognised Supplier of the National Landlords Association
Leading tax planning and investment specialist OneE Group is pleased to announce that it has become a recognised supplier of the National Landlords Association (NLA).
Working with the NLA, the UK’s largest representative body for private residential landlords, OneE Group will provide landlords up and down the country with responsible tax advice to help ensure they remain fully HMRC compliant.
Landlords can expect to receive specialist advice from OneE Group, ranging from the swift resolution of tax disputes and investigations, to tax efficiency and compliance.
OneE Group managing director Dominic Slattery said: “We’re really proud to be working alongside the NLA to help its members successfully navigate the complex tax environment in which they manage their lettings and business affairs.
“Many residential landlords have already been contacted directly by HMRC as part of its ‘Let Property Campaign’ which targets non- or under-declaration of tax on rental income. Our specialist team can help reduce any interest or penalties that might be charged as a result of previous disclosure errors.”
Dominic adds: “To celebrate our recognised supplier status, we’re offering 10 per cent off engagement fees to NLA members until the end of July. Interested parties should call our dedicated team 01204 559 914 for more information and to get started on their new road to tax compliance.”
Founded in 2006, OneE Group is one of the largest independent tax advisory firms in the UK, with clients in every corner of the country. The company and its directors are recognised by industry-leading professional bodies including the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
NLA head of marketing Sai Mehta said: “We’re excited to be working closely with OneE Group. We always take great care when selecting partner organisations, only choosing those that adhere to high standards of service. We’re confident that OneE Group’s specialist tax planning and advice services can add real value to the overall management of our members’ letting operations.”
For further information about OneE Group and the services it offers, please visit www.oneegroup.com or call 01204 559 914.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Sarah Price .