Innov8 operations director Jeremy Meredith (left) with MD Alan Robson

Birkenhead-based Innov8 to support construction of £2m Cunard Building restaurant

Construction industry firm Innov8 has landed a contract with restaurant and bar group Living Ventures to support a series of projects across the UK, including a new £2m Australasia restaurant in Liverpool’s historic Cunard Building.

The contract will see Birkenhead-based Innov8 provide design co-ordination and principal designer services, working throughout the pre-construction phase to ensure health and safety compliance.

The Australasia restaurant in the Cunard Building on Liverpool’s Pier Head will be the brand’s flagship location, taking up space on two floors and seating up to 550 guests. Work is expected to begin in April next year.

Innov8’s operations director, Jeremy Meredith, said: “Living Ventures see the value of better planned and co-ordinated projects.

“Not only does this give them a more robust idea of cost and programme surety, it also enables them to manage their associated recruitment campaigns with more precision. Making the process as efficient as possible is very much in their interests.”

He continued: “Many of the projects Innov8 will be working on are still in the planning phase. We are working on a Botanist bar in Farnham, a restaurant in the James Brindley building in Birmingham and a Grand Pacific in Manchester.”

Innov8 secured the contract jointly with Liverpool architects Brock Carmichael.

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