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Essential Keys For Developing Responsive Email Templates Design
Responsive email templates design is the new buzz in the email marketing arena as the technique helps in creating templates that can easily be viewed on different devices.
Responsive email templates design is gaining popularity because of the fact that such designs easily scale over a number of devices irrespective of the size of the device. Being responsive with the email template helps it get more views as the design gets scaled on any of the devices.
Today, it is essential to be responsive when it comes to developing email templates. For the same, it is good to know the essential keys for developing the design. Here is a detailed description for the same.
• The pixel size
Responsive templates have the benefit to scale easily on any of the viewing platforms. It is not just by the nature of the templates but because of the design. As such emails can be viewed on any of the email clients; therefore, it is always the best to be on the safer side with the pixel size being 650.
• The links & the buttons
It is always good to design links and the buttons having a minimum target area of 44*44 pixels. The approach helps templates load easily over the mobile phones or the desktops that further provide unique user experience. Thus, keep the size of the links and the buttons under the specified pixel size.
• The preferred layout
Single column layout is the preferred layout for responsive templates. Single column layouts provide easier navigation facilities to the users and make the template an easy to read piece of information for the readers. Moreover, a rich reading experience will always push your readers to subscribe for the services.
• Specified image sizes and absolute URLs
Specifying all the images for the email template is extremely important. Specified images over the templates are soothing to the eyes. Absolute URLs, on the other hand, can be used to refer images, links, etc. over the template. These URLs define images and they are worth to mention.
Keeping all the specified keys in the mind while designing email templates helps the designers offer excellent designs to the clients. These designs can help the business owners increase the existing client base by sending eye-catching email templates to the clients.
Apart from the points that have been mentioned here, it is extremely important to present engaging content to the clients. Nothing can match up to an attractively written piece of information sent to the clients. Hence, focus on these metrics and keep the current client base growing as never before.
EmailChopper ( is a popular name in the realm of providing custom email template designs. The company offers email template designing services to suit desktop as well as mobile layouts. The well designed and tested templates from our designers are integrated for a number of email clients among which the most common are Mozilla Thunderbird, Webmail, Yahoo Mail, Google mail, and more.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by EmailChopper .