Partner Article
Consumers say mobile has changed their social behaviour
76% of consumers say mobile has changed their social behaviour, memory and health
Research reveals UK consumer spend on mobile devices was worth a potential £10.092 billion in 2015
London, UK, 11 February 2016: Creative digital marketing consultancy, Ampersand Mobile, today announced the findings of a consumer survey conducted to understand evolving consumer attitudes to mobile and its impact on the economy. The survey revealed 76% of consumers say that mobile technology is having a dramatic impact on daily life, from social behaviour, through to memory and health. The survey also revealed that almost half (41%) bought more products and services through mobile in the last 12 months compared to the previous year, bringing the UK’s total spend using a mobile device in 2015 to a potential £10.09 billion[1].
In particular, the research revealed UK consumers can’t manage without the social element of their mobile device for a single day:
- Almost half of people (47%) would miss the social element it brings
- Almost a quarter (24%) would miss its entertainment and music capabilities
- More than a fifth (21%) would miss the camera function their mobile device provides
- More than a fifth (21%) also said they would miss reading news
“Mobile technology is clearly having a dramatic impact on daily life, from social interaction, to the way we speak, our memory, our health, how we parent our children and ultimately the economy: how much we are spending, and where that money is being spent. Brands must devote more time, thought and ultimately financial investment into mobile. A tick box approach is not good enough with a potential £10.09 billion at stake: mobile must be right at the top of the boardroom agenda,” commented Nader Alaghband, CEO of Ampersand Mobile.
The research also demonstrates how ubiquitous a mobile life is among the millennial generation. As millennials will make up 75% of the population in 10-15 years, brands looking to attract them must take heed of the essential role mobile already plays in their lives:
- 70% of 16-24 year olds would miss the social aspect of mobile if their device was left at home. More than a quarter (27%) of 55 to 64 year olds said the same
- 19% of people said they’d miss banking functions if a mobile device was left at home. The figure rises to 30% for 16-24 year olds and 26% for 25-34 year olds, reflecting the growing adoption of mobile banking by younger people
- 40% of people said a mobile device has changed their memory, for example delegating remembering numbers, directions & bank details to mobile. That rises to 52% for 16-24 year olds
About the survey
The survey of 2,000 British consumers aged 16-64 and was commissioned by Ampersand Mobile and conducted by independent research company TNS. Of these consumers, 1,735 were smartphone, tablet, smartwatch or fitness gadget users and went on to complete all the questions. The research was conducted to understand evolving consumer attitudes to mobile and its impact on the economy.
About Ampersand Mobile
Ampersand Mobile is a creative digital marketing consultancy that works with leading brands and enterprises to reimagine how they do business in a mobile-first world. A spin out of an award winning R&D firm, Ampersand Mobile has the experience and technology leadership to shape mobile experiences that push boundaries. Its team of experts combine strategic and creative nous, gritty commercialism and a passion for emerging technology to help big businesses to innovate with the speed and agility of a startup.
Ampersand Mobile’s focus on strategy, creative and production, allows the team to help clients with every aspect of the mobile experience, including: the ideation process, technology design, mobile experience design, user experience design, creative design, production, audience insight, branding, media planning, marketing strategy, content strategy and development.
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[1] Potential £10.092 billion UK consumer spend on mobile devices in 2015 calculated using Retail Me Not statistic that UK shoppers spent £8.41 billion via mobile devices in 2015, increasing that figure by 20% as 46% of people in this survey spent 20% more in 2015 than in 2014.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Ampersand Mobile .