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Do you like WordPress?

With over 4 million downloads, WordPress is a sure fire, can’t afford to miss when it comes to a good solution.

Depending on whom you ask, some would not touch WordPress even if it’s the only option left.

Care to guess why?

Well, WordPress is a framework based on PHP, back then it was just a blog, it was a desired CMS, later it became a CMS and PHP has over two dozen frameworks today.

There are WordPress experts and I am talking about true expertise, not the ones who know how to install and apply themes, plugins and making changes. I am talking about the one who write awesome plugins, do the creative designs and leave it out for the citizen coders to do the ‘development’ on their own.

The ones who tend to love WordPress fall in both the expert category and citizen coder category.

They both would live by the same statement that WordPress is easy. It really is.

Some love it for a whole other reason and that was or still is that ‘search engines’ love WordPress for some reason.

Anything done on WordPress is very much easy for the search engines to read. This is amazing! They said.

Now, lets us look at WordPress objectively

  1. It is free
  2. It has plethora of plugins, developer community support & themes… everything imaginable for a plugin will mostly exist with WordPress and mostly for free
  3. You can build things on top of it and hence it is deservedly a framework for coding
  4. It is highly adaptive to platforms and supports latest versions
  5. The code structure and configurations are lean and considerably easy to work on
  6. Anyone can use WordPress!
  7. Search Engines love the WordPress structure and is easy for indexing, hence internet marketing
  8. Blogs made in WordPress simply perform and has very intuitive blogging functions that made it a grand success at the first place
  9. Too many people are using WordPress and as long as you keep your sites updated there is not much of issue of security
  10. It’s a poor mans best friend and rich man play mate

Was it objective enough?

But then, you cannot blame me for writing on a subjective word like ‘like’ at the first place.

People love WordPress, it does rock! However, I cannot find any reason to not like it. It’s awesome!

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Original Source - Do you like WordPress?

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Pinki Patel .

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