ievo Ultimate Reader

Member Article

Newcastle firm to showcase technologies at Europe’s largest security exhibition

A Newcastle firm which manufactures biometric recognition systems will exhibit its systems at Europe’s largest security exhibition, Security Essen, in Germany next month.

Exhibiting at the event for the first time, ievo Ltd will be displaying its range of biometric fingerprint readers, used as part of access control systems for organisations worldwide.

Showcasing at Security Essen 2016, the firm has the ideal opportunity to get its products infront of the eyes of big players in the European security market as it looks to increase its sales beyond the UK.

Industry experts as well as over 280 businesses attending and exhibiting will be expecting to see the latest industry innovations and trends at the event, now in its fortieth year.

Stephen Thompson, Export Sales Manager for ievo Ltd, explained: “An ever-greater focus is being placed on perimeter safety, in particular, physical access systems, which are used to protect businesses, government buildings, leisure facilities and many other sites around the world.

“We are seeing an increase in sales not only in the UK but also across Europe, Africa and the UAE, with the biometric market expected to reach a value of $1.83 billion by 2024.

“Security Essen is the perfect event to demonstrate the efficiency, safety and reliability of our products to a mix of new and current European clients at an event that encourages innovation.”

Hoping to attract worldwide security integrators and installers, the business will display products such as the ievo ultimate, ievo micro and desktop reader, which utilise advanced image capturing techniques to ensure positive identification.

Stephen continued: “Biometric readers are now becoming the norm, where access systems that previously relied on swipe cards or numeric pin entry are becoming ‘old hat’ as these secondary credentials can be passed around or lost.

“Biometric security systems bypass those downfalls as they can’t be faked or shared. We are looking forward to showcasing our products and meeting some new faces.”

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