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EphpSolutions- A Simple and Creative Logo Design Solution
Regardless of what business you operate, there are a few features that should be at the common core. Sad to say that not all businesses understand the need for some of these features and today we are here to enlighten you about logos and their significance and how we at EphpSolutions work with companies to provide a simple and creative logo design solution.
Logos: Necessary or a Waste?
A simple definition of a logo can be that it is a mark or a symbol of some sort that is specifically designed for the purpose of association. A logo is therefore a form of branding, of showing possession and identification. It helps your customers to easily identify your company’s products.
Let’s look at an example of you marketing a new product without a logo. Because of the absence of a logo you will need to spend a lot of time and effort in conducting publicity so that customers can identify the particular item with your business.
On the other hand, if you have a logo, it’s already a marketing tool in itself. Without even publicizing your new items, because they have your stamp, your seal, your mark, a customer can easily walk into a store and identify the item as yours.
A logo is the face of your company.
Tips for DIY
For all the DIY persons, a logo can be designed easily without paying exorbitant costs but before you venture into this project there are a few things that you may want to consider.
• Do it Again, Again and Again- a perfect logo design will take you several rough sketches before you get it right so don’t expect to get it done one the first try. It may take you some 30 attempts before you pull off the perfect logo! Especially if you are not an expert.
• Balance – With a logo you are aiming to be unique. Think outside the box while always keeping focus on the goal. Your ideas should always link right back to your company and should preferably contain imagery or lettering that can easily be associated with your 508 Compliance Services Company. It is key to find the balance between unique and simple. A logo that is too complicated to understand may be a turn off.
• Choosing the Right Color- Coloring is very important. You don’t just want to slap any color on your design without thinking of the effect. Choosing the right color is very complex as there is much more than the three primary colors. Colors are so powerful that they can evoke responses in individuals and can influence a person’s interest or disinterest.
Professional 508 Compliance Conversion Services Help is best
Unless you’ve had some previous experience in graphics and understand the color palette amongst other things, you may want to consider professional help in designing your logo. We cannot stress enough how important it is to keep the balance between creativity and simplicity. At EphpSolutions, our designers have years of experience and training working with logos and will ensure that your logo will suit your 508 Compliance Conversion company in a unique and simple design that will be associative with your business.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Vikas Gupta .