Storage Share is set to launch its sharing economy storage space platform in the UK.

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Pi Labs graduate to launch Airbnb-style platform for storage space

A new service allowing businesses and landowners to let vacant space is coming to the UK thanks to Dutch startup, Storage Share.

The firm, which recently graduated from London property accelerator Pi Labs, has developed an Airbnb-style platform which put renters looking for storage space in touch with landlords who have space to spare, saving them money and allowing landowners to capitalise on unused space.

Adopting the usual sharing economy approach, the platform displays available storage space closeby, allowing users to reserve spaces, including garages and spare rooms, while landlords have up to 48 hours to respond to the request.

Julian Doorten, the Co-Founder of Storage Share, commented: “Now more than ever, space in the UK is at a premium, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

“Our platform has created a win-win solution. On the one hand, those with property can earn money with their vacant space, and on the other, individuals can now save about 50% compared to what they would pay for traditional self-storage.”

The startup recently completed the 13-week accelerator programme at Pi Labs, and Dominic Wilson, Managing Partner at Pi Labs, said: “Storage Share is a great example of a concept that connects the traditional real estate sector with new possibilities of creating value through a technological solution.”

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