Angela Sterling, Managing Director of Lingotot Ltd

Member Article

Consett Innovation Centre diversifies with smaller business units

Consett Innovation Centre, based at Ponds Court Business Park, has responded to local demand by diversifying its office space to allow smaller businesses to take up residency.

Landing a grant just shy of £11k from the Rural Growth Network’s Strategic Economic Infrastructure Fund, Derwentside Enterprise Agency has shortened the size of some of its larger offices to create a number of smaller units.

Marek Tokarski, operational manager, explained the decision to repurpose the site.

He said: “Demand for small offices has remained high for growing businesses, primarily micro businesses making their first step into dedicated office space.

“This is currently underserved in the local area and we wanted to make the best use of the space we have to offer.

“The new spaces were completed in January and we are already starting to get interest and new tenants coming forward. It is also good to see that since vacation, Steel House has also been leased to a single operator”.

Angela Sterling, Managing Director of Lingotot Ltd, a new tenant in the centre, added: “As a small but quickly growing business we struggled to find suitable premises for some time in Consett, but nothing was available.

“I had wanted to move into Consett Innovation Centre for years because of its location, facilities, parking and of course friendly staff. When I heard that smaller units had become available I was delighted and took one on straight away.

“Making the decision to take on premises is a difficult step to make as a small business, but it was made easy at the Centre. We’ve been in a few weeks now and the move has already enhanced our productivity.”

Colin Bell, Business Growth Director from the North East LEP said: “It’s great that Consett is experiencing a demand for premises as this shows real confidence in the local economy.

“The North East Rural Growth Network funds exist to offer support in exactly this type of situation so we’re looking forward to seeing the businesses flourish in their new premises.”

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