Datalex currently employs 30 staff in Manchester

Datalex plc to double Manchester workforce due to ‘significant global demand’

Ecommerce software giant Datalex plc is set to create around 30 jobs with the launch of a new ‘centre of excellence’ in Manchester.

Forming part of the Ireland-headquartered company’s global expansion plans, the office at 55 Spring Gardens will develop key skills in software delivery for travel retailers and offer expertise in Java and Java-related web technologies.

The firm’s Manchester base will also provide application support, automation testing and fares specialisations.

Datalex currently employs 30 staff at the centre, but plans to double the workforce over the next two years.

The company said its software enables a travel marketplace of more than 1bn shoppers from all over the world, driven by airline retail brands such as Lufthansa Group, Air China and JetBlue Airways.

Datalex CEO Aidan Brogan said: “We are experiencing significant global demand for our digital commerce platform. This has led directly to the opening of our new centre in Manchester and our plans to double our workforce here in the coming years.

“Manchester is the UK’s second city and we are both delighted and excited to be setting up a Datalex centre of excellence in its heart.”

He added: “We believe that Manchester strategically gives us a wide breadth of talent, not just from the city, but also from the wider region.”

Craig Greaves, Datalex’s general manager in Manchester, commented: “This is a particularly exciting time for Datalex as we continue with our global expansion.

“Manchester is a fantastic city with great history and we are looking forward to using the city as a platform to grow and enhance our own story.”

Andrew Cowell, of real estate consultants OBI Property, advised Datalex on its move to 55 Spring Gardens.

Andrew said: “The stunning workspace and modern facilities along with the ground floor amenity space provided a fantastic opportunity for Datalex to acquire office space that would both retain and attract future talent.

“The relocation was assisted by Datalex being able to remain with their existing landlord and develop an existing relationship.”

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