Lunya opened a second restaurant on Deansgate in Manchester two years ago

Liverpool-based Spanish deli Lunya to invest in new warehouse and third site

Liverpool-based Spanish restaurant and deli Lunya has announced new expansion plans.

To keep up with its increasingly prominent position on the North West’s foodie scene, the firm is now looking to boost capacity with a new warehouse.

Lunya, which opened a second restaurant on Deansgate in Manchester two years ago, has also confirmed that research into the launch of a third site has progressed to “an advanced stage’.

The company was founded in 2010 by Hispanophile Peter Kinsella and his wife and business partner Elaine.

Peter said: “We initially personally selected more than 50 suppliers across Spain after bi-monthly trips to make sure we had a true full service continental deli, the likes of which had rarely been seen in the UK before.

“To give us greater control of supply and manage the increased cost pressures from low exchange rates, we are aiming for 75% of all our Spanish products to be directly imported.”

Investing in a new warehouse and increasing Lunya’s range of Spanish products, Peter explained, will enable the business to “negotiate better prices with producers and suppliers”.

He continued: “Already, we have seen the benefit of that with reduced prices in our restaurant menu; it will also enable a similar price reduction on our deli range too, as soon as our warehouse is operational.

“A rare bit of positive price news on the high street! Plus we’re really excited at the prospect of a third site for Lunya with our research at an advanced stage.”

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