Put a Lid on It

Member Article

Put a Lid on It: How Product Design Influences Sales and Marketing

Everyone loves a great product. Bold, catchy, clever, unique - a product that, despite being shelved among countless other copy-cat clones, stands out for its meticulous design and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Browsing through the aisles, uncertain of our next purchase, we give each petty commodity a chance to entertain us - deciding, within seconds, if it’s worth our time and attention.

Paying no heed to the incessant murmuring of the Invisible-the brazenly generic produce available a dime a dozen-we yawn, unimpressed, until the wordless seduction of the One lures us in.

Here’s a product that doesn’t demand attention; it earns it. A product that doesn’t call; it sings. A product that needs no introduction-because a single glance is enough to help you realise, “here’s where my journey ends”.

Are You Paying Attention?

Whether you run a makeup franchise or sell organic spices, own a gorgeous fragrance line or promote oral hygiene products-the ascent of your sales tangent ultimately depends on how you market your product.

Maybe you have an excellent marketing team, with incredible insight into consumer trends. Using the latest technology in analytics and research, you may develop afantastic marketing campaign with tremendous viral tendencies.

Your product may be exceptional-one of a kind. And your marketing strategy might even put you on the map.

But what happens if you don’t pay due diligence to presentation: aka product design and packaging?

Does it even matter when you have an entire sales team working on getting those numbers up?

After all, a plastic bottle is a plastic bottle; why spend the extra dough on custom design?

Homogeneous Horror

Two words: first impression.

According to Business Insider, we only have 7 seconds to make a great first impression. Suffice it to say, this tiny window of communication isn’t nearly enough to give consumers a compelling sales-pitch, or to play a flashy ad.

But it is a fantastic opportunity to personalise your product through creative and innovative product design-making it instantly recognisable and a cut above the rest. Think about the world’s most impeccable Beef Wellington. Tender, succulent, gorgeous pink tenderloin cooked to medium-rare perfection-with a generous layer of pâté de foiegras and duxelles, wrapped in a crisp puff pastry and baked to an exquisite golden brown.

You can hear your angels burst into a chorus of Hallelujah as the dish is served to you straight out of the oven-only for the choir to die down as you see a horrendous assortment of ingredients, laid out haphazardly on an abysmal serving tray.

No matter how extraordinary it tastes, you’re already disappointed with the presentation of the meal and definitely won’t be bringing your boss to dinner at this establishment.

Now, for some perspective, replace the Beef wellington with a product that you manufacture. Sure, it’s great; sure, it sells-but are you doing it justice by representing it as well as it deserves?

Designing Success in a Bottle

The fact of the matter is that product design is as important as formulating a brand icon or cultivating your brand identity. It’s part of designing something truly authentic that embodies the essence and values of your brand.

Do you intend to sell your product as a luxury item or a drugstore item? Is your selling-point affordability or indulgence? Are you targeting the upper echelons of society or middle-class workers? Do they comprise aging women or young adults?

You see, answers to these specificsales questions help you design a stellar product that fulfils your objectives more effectively.

A delicate, opulent acrylic bottle may look feminine and expensive, while a chunky plastic container may seem practical and multi-purpose, usable for both men and women.

The devil’s in the details, folks. And as a business owner, you owe it to yourself to put out a product that not only appeals to your target market, but personifies your brand. Need help with the specifics?

All In Packaging is a wholesale manufacturer of plastic bottles, containers, tubes, cases and canisters.We’re your one-stop shop for all things packaging-offering continuous discounts on wholesale items, and taking custom orders for a plethora of businesses. Shoot us an email to learn more about the fundamentals of packaging, and create a custom look for your product that captures your unique vision!

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by roger obrien .

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