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Attention Deficit Risis with Mobile Notification Alerts and 5 Apps to Redress the Issue
Are you suffering from ADHD like symptoms???
Do you even have any idea what this particular symptom actually refers to??
Well! Allow me to familiarize you with this particular symptom. The acronym ADHD stands for ’Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder.
Mostly prevalent among young children and teenagers, this problem is gradually making inroad into the lives of young adults and other seniors of the generation. Mobile phones can be directly linked with this particular issue and it is gradually becoming a grave matter of concern for today’s generation.
Mobile device was created to keep families in touch but they have gradually evolved over the years and have emerged as the ultimate device to perform even the most basic function of life.
Our busy schedule make us often forget important dates. The common practice is to set notification on our mobile phone. Now push notifications are applied for every minute task. You are practically surrounded by the ocean of notifications. You are notified on any new mail entry, new Whatsapp message, discount offers from shopping apps, and the track goes on.
Don’t Miss: How push notifications can be leveraged in a best possible way?
Do you realize the negative implication of such notifications on our lives?? Probably not, cause smart phones have increased our dependency to the extent that we have stopped relying on our own memory to even recall the most basic detail of our day-to-day life.
This implication is psychological and greatly hampers your attention level as well.
You imagine yourself how often you pick up the handset to get a glance on the screen to see whether any new text has entered the inbox of any one of the installed social media messenger apps. It is not just you. We all have this kind of addiction towards our portable device.
Many companies do not permit the use of personal mobile phones in the workplace. But the numbers are minimal. The concept of BYOD or ‘Bring your own device’, to the workplace is the latest corporate culture. No matter how much attentive you are, it is but obvious that you will leave your work as soon as you get a notification alert on your phone. This hampers your productivity, efficiency and delays your work as well.
Among students, too much dependency on the portable device reduces their thinking and recalling ability, apart from the attention deficit.
Alternate option is to place your phone in silent mode. But do you think this helps??
The answer varies from Maybe to No.
Even if you are attentive more but you switch over to the phone the very second you get time to have a short glimpse on the screen.
Few common symptoms of this psychological disorder:
Lack of attention Lack of interest Loose focus easily Easily bored Having trouble sitting still Restlessness Difficulty doing quiet tasks or activities Difficulty recalling minute details Increase dependency on your phone
The popular Mobile Applications are responsible for creating this crisis. But they have options to redress their act as well.
Let me cite a few applications here that can help to rid yourself from this particular problem.
5 known mobile applications to aid ADHD patients:
RescueTime- This app, available for android users, silently track your online activities minutely and diagnose how much time you spent on unproductive things.
Freedom- Again an Android app which is also available for Mac and PC users. All you need is to prepare your weekly schedule and highlight the specific dates and the time of the mentioned date you plan to work on your fixed tasks. Freedom blocks you from internet during those times.
Boomerang Mail- Write your important mails and forward it to the receiver. However you have to know whether the recipient has received or responded on your forwarded mail. Boomerang does this function for you. Also, you can schedule the delivery time of an email. You do not have to pay attention to mail notifications any more.
Dropbox- This is a popular application available on either platforms and multiple devices. Store your important docs and files in it and access whenever you need them from anywhere. No need to upload the files, just feed in the link and your job is done. All you have to remember is to click your dropbox open to get any of your files.
AutoSilent- You do not have to remember to frequently turn on or off the ringer of your hand set. This app does that particular task for you and is available on either platforms.
Summing Up
This is undoubtedly a major crisis faced by mobile phone users having multiple social media applications installed in their device. The above-mentioned 5 apps can rid users from a few of the symptoms and ease their work to a great extent.
The other most obvious solution is to simply shut your device down and place it well out of your reach. Try practicing this and I am sure you will be surprised to see the results and will definitely increase your work focus and enhance your work efficiency. Thus we can say that mobile application notifications, on one hand, creates attention deficit crisis, there are other specially designed apps, on the other, that rid you of the ADHD syndrome.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Mary Smith .