john prescott
John Prescott, former deputy Prime Minister and Labour politician.

Former deputy Prime Minister visits Yorkshire Dales creamery for new Channel 5 production

The Wensleydale Creamery, located in Hawes in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, is to feature in two national TV programmes, broadcasting on Channel 5 next week and shining the spotlight on the heritage of quality food production and farming in the region.

With its growing portfolio of Yorkshire dairy products, including Yorkshire Wensleydale, Yorkshire Butter and Yorkshire Yogurt, being enjoyed across the world, the Wensleydale Creamery’s leading Yorkshire manufacturer status and 1,000-year history of handcrafting cheese in the Dales has caught the attention of national film crews.

The Wensleydale Creamery welcomed former deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, to see behind the scenes at the Creamery for new documentary series, Made in Yorkshire, discovering the surprising secrets behind the region’s most iconic foods.

The programme will air on Channel 5 at 9pm on Tuesday, April 10.

David Hartley, Wensleydale Creamery’s managing director, said: “Yorkshire as a food brand is gaining recognition throughout the UK and Europe for its world-class offering, evidenced by the attention it’s warranting on a national stage.

“We hope the nation will tune into Channel 5 this week to show their support for our region’s incredibly special food credentials.”

Prescott, who has lived in Yorkshire for most of his life and was the MP for Hull East for 40 years, journeys around the region for Made in Yorkshire, learning about and getting involved in the intriguing processes of Yorkshire food production.

This included meeting with cheese-makers hard at work producing Yorkshire Wensleydale to grace the shelves of supermarkets and independent retailers across the UK and worldwide.

Yorkshire Wensleydale cheese has an historic pedigree, first produced in Wensleydale in 1150 by Cistercian monks.

The Wensleydale Creamery continues to handcraft cheeses using milk from Yorkshire farmers, employing over 200 people and contributing £12m to the local economy.

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