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Salix Homes named as one of the top landlords in UK
Salix Homes is celebrating after being named amongst the top 50 landlords in the UK.
The social housing provider, which owns more than 8,000 homes in Salford, came in at number 11 in the prestigious 24Housing Top 50 Landlords 2018 roll of honour.
The award recognises the brightest and best social landlords from across the UK, who are delivering significant change both within their organisation and communities and in the wider housing sector.
Salix Homes, which only formed as a stand-alone housing association following a stock transfer from Salford Council in 2015, recently launched its #Rethinking Housing campaign, challenging the sector to think differently about how housing services are delivered, to meet the demands of a modern world.
Lee Sugden, chief executive at Salix Homes, said: “To be named amongst the Top 50 Landlords in the UK is a real honour for Salix Homes, and to achieve this sort of accolade as a relatively new organisation, makes it all the more special.
“What we lack in age, we make up for in accomplishment and we are immensely proud of all we’ve achieved since launching a little over three years ago, and this award is testament to the hard work of all our colleagues and customers who make us what we are.”
Since launching in 2015, Salix Homes has invested almost £40million improving homes and communities across Salford.
This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Hayley Collins .