Katie Guastapaglia
Katie Guastapaglia

Sensory field with ‘dog parkour’ opens for pooches in Stockton

A facility offering dog owners and their pooches a new experience has opened in Stockton-on-Tees.

Dogwood Adventure Play, founded by entrepreneur Katie Guastapaglia, has a secure field featuring parkour equipment and a sensory garden where dogs can run free.

‘Dog parkour’ is a new trend recommended both for nervous dogs and those with seemingly endless energy, Dogwood said. It allows canines to clamber about, build confidence and bond with their owners.

Founder Katie, a canine first aider, said: “We created Dogwood for our own dog originally. He was nervous and needed somewhere safe to run free, but there was nowhere locally.

“He loved it so much we knew we needed to share it with others.”

She added: “Parkour defies the boundaries of age, breed and ability. It’s low-impact and once you and your dog are confident, you can enjoy it on every day walks.”

Dogwood also offers Field Trips, collecting dogs from their homes and transporting them to its enclosed field. The idea is for them to spend time outdoors and off their leads, playing, discovering and following scents.

Speaking further, Katie said: “We don’t just offer a dog walking service.

“Dogs with unreliable recall, strong dogs that pull on the lead and reactive dogs can enjoy freedom without their owners worrying about them. It’s a really lovely sight.”

Dogwood plans to introduce additional services over the coming months, including dog parkour workshops and enrichment breaks.

Sessions at Dogwood Adventure Play are booked in advance.

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