The Buy to Let Broker and Vital Signs Foundation
Image Source: The Buy to Let Broker

Member Article

The Buy to Let Broker race to VSF's 3000th screening

The Buy to Let Broker sprint to the heart of VSF’s 3000th screening Southport based mortgage experts, The Buy to Let Broker, sprinted to the aid of local heart screening charity, Vital Signs Foundation (VSF), to help screen local young people for any undiagnosed heart conditions. After weeks of fundraising, the buy to let specialists successfully raised enough donations to fully fund the charity’s latest screening where VSF was able to race past their own milestone by screening their 3,000th young person since launching in 2006. After hearing how client Steve Haw tragically lost his son, Chris Haw, to sudden cardiac arrest aged just 25, the team at The Buy to Let Broker was moved to take action and help raise the much-needed funds the charity, set up in Chris’s memory, needed to screen up to 100 young people across the North West aged 16-35.

Over the last few weeks, the mortgage advisors and case managers took on the mammoth challenge of running/cycling over 1000 miles in a virtual tour of their biggest UK lending partners, raising awareness of the charity and their £3,000 target. Following weeks of fundraising and hours on the treadmill, the team successfully reached both goals and raced past the finish line with a day to spare.

Steve Haw, founder of Vital Signs Foundation commented:

“We were blown away by the lengths The Buy to Let Broker went to in order to fully fund one of our screenings. 1000 miles is no mean feat, we can’t thank them enough for all of their support and for providing such a wonderful venue for our event.

“To have reached our 3,000th screening is an incredible achievement for the team and we have been humbled by all of the support that we received along the way. In almost every screening that we deliver, we come across 1-2 people that require further tests for potentially life-threatening heart conditions, so to be able to help them get the medical attention that they really need is exactly why we set the charity up. All of the donations and support we have received over the years really are helping to save lives.”

Always going one step further, the mortgage specialists also offered full use of their office in Southport to accommodate the event that took place last weekend, where over 95 young people, including members of the Buy to Let Broker team, received blood pressure tests, heart scans as well as life-saving education in CPR and defibrillators.

Matt Hardman, co-director at The Buy to Let Broker commented:

“Steve has been a client of ours for a few years now so when we found out about the incredible work they are doing, we wanted to help in any way we could.

“As a national broker, we work with every UK lender currently on the market and wanted to get as many of them on board. Therefore we calculated if we circumvented the UK to 16 of our top partners including Kent Reliance, Paragon and BM Solutions that we would have to cover over 1000 miles from Glasgow to Bournemouth and back again. This gave the team a clear target to work towards.

“I am immensely proud of our team’s response to the challenge, everyone really stepped up to the plate to help scratch off the miles and promote the inspirational work that VSF are doing.

The actual screening event was a brilliant day and the VSF team are incredibly professional and efficient at what they do. We are made up to have been able to support the charity with this event and help them reach their 3,000th person. We hope this new partnership will continue to grow stronger in the future, with projects likes this at the heart of our ethos.“

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Dolly Draper .

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