The clinic will continue to use video consultations as they are more accessible for customers.

Life After Lockdown: The cosmetic clinic permanently adopting online consultations

As the country emerges from lockdown, it’s a very different landscape for a lot of businesses.

Bdaily spoke to business owners across the country about how they’re changing their ways of working, and what innovations or services they’re adopting permanently after lockdown.

Harley Street MD is a non-surgical cosmetic clinic in London, and outlined how it’s taking new measures on for the long haul.

Online consultations are mandatory for now due to government guidelines, but Harley Street MD is adopting them permanently, as it’s more accessible for customers.

The company said: “Many people have been itching to get back to cosmetic clinics for their filler top-ups.

“The government has given requirements for clinics to follow for clients coming to the clinic for appointments.

“The initial consultation can be done online via Zoom or Skype and this is something we will continue as it’s easier for everyone.

“Once an appointment is made, clients will be seen one at a time and no more than one client will be in the office.

“All staff will be wearing PPE, they will take extra time to clean and disinfect all areas of the office, and clients shouldn’t bring anyone with them to the appointment.

“It’s important to note that many clinics are trying to first see clients who had appointments cancelled during the lockdown, so it may take longer than usual to get an appointment with the new requirements of fewer people in the office and spaced out appointments.

“This is a whole new way of doing cosmetic treatments since most of our most popular procedures are quick and can be done on your lunch break.”

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