Pile 'o Yarn
Image Source: Casey Fiesler

Online crafting company draws in 266 per cent traffic increase during lockdown

An online crafting company has reported a 266 per cent increase in traffic since the beginning of lockdown.

LoveCrafts.com, based in London, said that 71 per cent of traffic from March to August this year was from new visitors.

As well as this, the firm’s product revenue increased by 434 per cent compared to the same period last year.

It said that the rise was due to an increased interest in crafting as consumers stayed at home.

The site’s most popular pages were tutorials on how to crochet and knit, as well as instructions on making face masks.

Edward Griffith, founder of LoveCrafts.com, commented: “We’ve experienced a huge amount of support from our community of makers in the last couple of months.

“Crafting has brought people both joy and distraction during these stressful times and our data certainly shows how it’s more popular than ever.”

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