Image Source: Hernán Piñera

Government releases £80m funding to help town regeneration projects

The government has this morning announced an £80m fund to boost regeneration projects in more than 100 towns across the country.

The Towns Fund, which ranges from £500k up to £1m per town, was announced by Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick.

It will be used to support regeneration projects that will “make a difference” in 101 towns, including new green spaces, pop-up businesses spaces, pedestrianising streets to encourage walking or cycling and creating of new community hubs to support those living alone.

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick commented: “Our Towns Fund will help to share prosperity across the country and level-up.

“This £80m funding for immediate investment is a real boost for our towns and will help them thrive with investment in transport, technology, skills and culture.”

These funds are part of the overall £3.6bn Towns Fund money allocated - the initial phase aiming to get projects off the ground and give local areas a boost.

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