Adults without A-levels to be offered free courses to "create new and better jobs" as unemployment rises

The government is today set to announce plans to support workers without an A-Level or equivalent qualification.

In a speech today (29 September), the Prime Minister is expected to reveal a “major” expansion of post-18 education in order to help the economy bounce back from coronavirus.

Adults without an A-Level or equivalent will be offered a fully funded college course through the Lifetime Skills Guarantee, which the government says will help workers find and create “new and better jobs”.

The move will also see more funding for SMEs taking on apprentices, and £2.5bn is being made available through the National Skills Fund to help get people working again after Covid.

This comes as unemployment rates rise to 4.1 per cent, with the Office for Budget Responsibility predicting that levels could hit up to 13.2 per cent in the coming years.

In today’s speech, Boris Johnson will say: “As the Chancellor has said, we cannot, alas, save every job.

“What we can do is give people the skills to find and create new and better jobs.

“So my message today is that at every stage of your life, this government will help you get the skills you need.

“We’re transforming the foundations of the skills system so that everyone has the chance to train and retrain.”

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