There are approximately 18,700 BP branded forecourts worldwide.
Image Source: Michael Coghlan
There are approximately 18,700 BP branded forecourts worldwide.

BP signs deal with globally expanding Cambridge software developer

Checkit plc announced that it has signed a new contract with London headquartered BP to rollout its intelligent operations platform to a further 441 forecourts within Australia and New Zealand.

It is expected that installations for these forecourts will commence in the early part of 2022 and will double the size of Checkit’s footprint within BP in respect of total number of locations and contracted annual recurring revenues.

Discussions are ongoing with regard to rolling out the platform to further BP locations across additional regions and dealer-owned estates. Currently, there are approximately 18,700 BP branded forecourts worldwide.

The Checkit platform replaces paper-based processes with digital assistants in the form of a mobile app which prompts, guides and captures the activity of store assistants, and provides managers with real-time oversight.

The platform also encompasses automated monitoring via fridge-mounted sensors and handheld temperature probes to enhance food safety, reduce waste and save time spent on manual checking routines.

Prior to this agreement, the platform had been deployed at more than 400 BP-owned forecourts across the UK, Netherlands and Luxembourg for over 18 months. The new rollout in Australia and New Zealand is the latest phase of Checkit’s expanding international partnership with BP.

Kit Kyte, CEO of Checkit, commented: “I am delighted that we are expanding our relationship with BP on a global scale. The introduction of our platform across BP in Australia and New Zealand is a further endorsement of the importance of this technology in enabling intelligent operations within deskless workforces.

“The value can be seen in greater efficiency, improved staff engagement and retention, stock optimisation, production scheduling, waste reduction and many other parameters. We have worked closely with BP to make this happen and look forward to continuing our partnership.”

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