Joanne Finkeldey (razorblue), Siobhan Fenton (SCEDT), Jonathan Anderson (razorblue), Dr Yar Muhammad (SCEDT), Dan Kitchen (razorblue), Dr Myriam Mallet (SCEDT), Georgie Watson (razorblue).
(L-R): Joanne Finkeldey, razorblue, Siobhan Fenton, School of Computing, Engineering & Digital Technologies (SCEDT), Jonathan Anderson (razorblue), Dr Yar Muhammad (SCEDT), Dan Kitchen (razorblue), Dr Myriam Mallet (SCEDT), Georgie Watson (razorblue).

IT firm and Teesside University join forces to boost research and recruitment

IT firm, razorblue has entered a partnership with Teesside University.

The partnership will see the University working with IT solutions provider razorblue across a range of areas including student recruitment, joint research and the development of academic and training programmes.

With a head office in Catterick, North Yorkshire and seven offices across the UK, razorblue provides IT solutions for business including managed IT, cloud computing, software, connectivity, cybersecurity.

Both organisations have signed a two-year memorandum of understanding to leverage the benefits of working together which include:

  • Identifying and sharing training and knowledge transfer needs.
  • Collaborative research.
  • Guest lecturers.
  • Live projects for students.
  • Identifying industry skills gaps and needs
  • Advising on curriculum development
  • Internships and work placements

Dan Kitchen, chief executive and founder of razorblue, said: “We’re delighted to have signed this partnership with Teesside University. There are a number of fantastic opportunities for both organisations.

“For us, recruitment is more important than it ever has been, so to be able to work with the University and showcase ourselves as a leading-edge employer will be a fantastic opportunity

“Equally, we’re looking forward to sharing our skills, and giving students and academics the opportunity to work on real-world problems and engage with like-minded peers from across the country.

Siobhan Fenton, associate dean (Enterprise and Business Engagement) at Teesside University, said: “We are really excited about the potential for collaboration this partnership will bring.

“razorblue works across so many different areas that there are multiple opportunities for working together with our researchers and students, particularly in areas such as data analytics and AI.”

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