18th century property conversion to increase WorkPad’s footprint.

London office provider expands portfolio with “luxury” conversion

A London office space provider has expanded its portfolio with the opening of a new luxury office space on one of Marylebone’s most sought after streets.

WorkPad’s newest building is located on Portland Place. Built in 1774, the 7,205 sq ft property has had many tenants, including Sir Alfred Downing Fripp, eminent surgeon to both King Edward VII and King George V.

WorkPad has ensured that the luxurious new design honours the craftsmanship of former owner of the building and plasterer, Joseph Rose.

Edward Griffin, CEO, WorkPad, said: “The Portland Place property fits perfectly with our ethos of preserving historic Central London properties whilst bringing them into the 21st century and suitable for modern day working.

“With Covid restrictions easing and more people getting back to work, office occupancy has risen, and we are recording occupancy levels of 95 per cent across our portfolio.”

WorkPad has seen a marked increase in the number of businesses looking for bespoke, luxury office space and new headquarters in prime locations in London.

The company this year announced the creation of three new business lines: asset management, facilities management and a design-and-build arm for agile, high-end clients looking to move away from a traditional office fit-out.

This reflects the prevailing, post-pandemic demand seen by WorkPad for luxury office space in Prime London locations with flexible finance solutions.

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