Leeds cloud migration firm to launch Microsoft 365 “masterclass” education portal

Leeds based cloud migration firm Cloud Nexus has announced the launch of a dedicated education portal to provide IT professionals with resources to configure Microsoft 365 and manage their cloud operations.

The new to market education portal, coined The M365 MasterClass, has been designed specifically to allow IT professionals and MSPs needing help with cloud deployment, migration, and security to access on demand guidance and best practice advice.

It comprises a library of educational material for subscribers, which covers everything from initial deployment and data migration right through to advanced security configuration.

Founder Scott Riley commented: “The M365 Masterclass was always supposed to be a dedicated resource hub with quick how-to guides that get straight to the point.

“We wanted to ensure that IT pros no longer needed to conduct endless Google searches, or had to read pages and pages of jargon-stuffed articles to get the answers they needed to everyday tasks.

“Technology and cloud platforms are growing at a faster rate than ever before, and with IT departments becoming increasingly busy and under pressure, there’s less opportunity to sit down and fully learn a whole system independently, especially one which is regularly changing by the day.”

The M365 Masterclass consists of over 80 videos created by the Cloud Nexus team, who have a collective experience of over 50 years.

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