Louisa Herridge holding book that knocked 'ice man' Wim Hof off the book chart top spot! Image by Jennifer Hilton Photography
Louisa Herridge holding book that knocked 'ice man' Wim Hof off the book chart top spot! Image by Jennifer Hilton Photography

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Mindset and Positive Psychology Expert Shares Top Tips on Resilience and Rising from the Ashes

A leading business woman, and solo mum of one, whose accolades include; three bestselling books and a globally sought-after coaching programme, setting women free from their past, has united with eight other female entrepreneurs in a bid to collectively inspire women with their stories of resilience, to help others find the fire and light of life.

Together they are celebrating the launch of their inspirational book ‘From the Ashes; She is Ignited’, which has had blazing success rising straight in at Number 1 on the Amazon bestseller charts in 10 categories including; mental health, personal health and personal transformation, where it knocked ‘ice man’ Wim Hof from the top spot.

Former secondary school teacher, now Mindset and Positive Psychology Empowerment Coach and the Founder of The Mamas Ignited Movement, Louisa Herridge, 42 urges others everywhere to ignite the spark of self-belief and extinguish adversity and fear to live a more fulfilled life – just like she did.

Solo mum to her 6-year-old daughter, Louisa describes herself as being like ‘the glorious Phoenix, who has risen from the ashes of; debt, domestic abuse, trauma, chronic pain and depression to be reborn in flames as the blazing leader.’

Over the 18 months, Louisa has built her business up to be a full-time endeavour and in this latest, wholly honest book, she and her collaborators, leave no stone unturned when talking about their experiences, their trauma and how they have developed the courage and resilience to not just survive, but thrive in life.

‘From The Ashes She Is Ignited’ encourages others to develop resilience; the courage to do something that frightens you and show strength in the face of pain or grief. To develop the all-round mental, emotional, and spiritual capacity to recover and overcome difficulties, to rise from any adversity and rediscover that inner potential from which all things are possible.

Louisa said: “One thing that all of the women who have contributed to this book have in common is resilience. Life sends us unexpected horrors at times and the only thing we can do is carry on. Being resilient is often not on purpose, it is something that we find when we have no other choice. Resilient people are strong enough to adapt and change… and we can’t despair if we feel like that’s an uncomfortable place to be. It comes with experience. I often think of the palm tree - able to bend in the storms, but rarely uprooted. You may feel like that today, but don’t be troubled. The storm makes you stronger! Resilient people know who they are and accept themselves, both the good and the bad. Resilient people have a strong support network; family, friends, peers, work colleagues. We don’t need an army of support, just those significant individuals we can turn to when life gets rough or the waves feel too strong to navigate. Resilient people are honest with themselves and others. They don’t sweep things under the carpet and pretend their way through life. I’ve learned that if you don’t deal with some‐thing, it will eventually deal with you.”

Louisa continues: “Seeing ‘From The Ashes; She Is Ignited’ become a global best seller, has really reinforced the power of the message that nothing should hold you back and that when we develop courage and resilience through difficult times, we can turn what could have broken us, into our greatest strength. My wish is for this book to be an inspiration to many - you too can rise from the ashes.”

Louisa’s Top 3 Tips on Resilience and Rising from the Ashes include:

  1. Maintain a growth mindset - focus on the journey of experiencing, giving things a go, failing and learning until you succeed. Sometimes this is unintentional when going through trauma but people with resilience view life events as opportunities to grow. Failures are only setbacks and opportunities for improvement and learning. People with a growth mindset take charge of their success and the process of attaining it and maintaining it and as such show great resilience.

  2. Be courageous - You will see what I mean in the chapters of this book. Each of these women have shown great courage and in doing so they have found the positivity and ability to live a fully ignited life. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you and show strength in the face of pain or grief.

  3. Be resilient - Resilience is the all-round mental, emotional, and spiritual capacity to recover and overcome from difficulties. Courage and resilience together is what makes us rise from any adversity. They show strength of character and a need for grit but we all have the potential to tap into when needed.

This was posted in Bdaily's Members' News section by Chocolate PR .

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