Zero carbon hotel gets the green light

Property investment and development specialist Helmsley Group has received approval from City of York Council for a new hotel development. The six-storey hotel will comprise 82 bedrooms and will be one of the first hotels to generate net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the country.

Located on the currently derelict Mill House car park site, off North Street in York city centre, the building will be a net zero carbon development, with a BREEAM target rating of Excellent.

This means during construction, the greenest alternatives to traditional construction will be used. The carbon output from construction will be minimised and where it can’t be, will be offset.

The design also includes sustainable features such as solar PV, air source heat pumps and a biodiverse green wall. No car parking spaces will be provided in order to reduce carbon emissions and to support City of York Council in meeting its climate change targets.

The hotel will not feature bar or restaurant facilities as Helmsley wants to encourage business and tourism guests to visit surrounding hospitality businesses and visitor attractions.

Max Reeves, development director at York-based Helmsley Group, said: “The approval of our plans for the Mill House site is good news for the city of York, as we not only enhance an underutilised space, but create a building of architectural and environmental high standards that will make a positive contribution to the surrounding area and wider city economy.

“We are grateful to City of York Council for its support and acknowledgement that our proposals will preserve the appearance and character of the conservation area and nearby listed buildings and places of worship, as well as being considerate to neighbouring residents by not including a food and beverage offer.”

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