GMB strike action in Sunderland sees disruption to bus travel

Stagecoach North East has confirmed that a final attempt to agree a pay deal with GMB members in Sunderland today (Friday 7 October) has fallen through and GMB has confirmed that strikes will be going ahead from 11 to 15 October.

Stagecoach North East has made numerous offers to the GMB union, which are similar to those agreed with other trade unions at other depots in the north east, and would make Sunderland drivers amongst the highest paid of any bus drivers in the region. In addition, Stagecoach has put forward a further improved offer this morning which has been rejected by the GMB union.

Steve Walker, managing director of Stagecoach North East, said: “We have left no stone unturned in trying to agree a pay deal to avoid people in Sunderland being inconvenienced by this unnecessary strike action.

“We have reached agreement with other trade unions at our other north east depots, which cover the vast majority of our staff. The proposals we have put forward for Sunderland are similar and represent a good pay deal for our employees that would make them amongst the highest paid of any bus drivers in the region.

“Instead, GMB keep moving the goalposts over what they are looking for and seem determined now to press ahead with this unnecessary strike action.

“We have plans in place to try and run as many services as we can during the strike, and to make sure people can still get to their work, to education and to access other services. There is no doubt though that this will cause disruption for our local community in Sunderland and at the same time, will hit the pockets of our employees at a time when every penny counts.

“It is in everybody’s interests to have a thriving bus sector that supports jobs, good pay for bus workers, grows the economy and meets the country’s net zero objectives, and to achieve that we need people to switch to the bus. Strikes don’t help this objective – we would urge GMB to talk not walk.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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