North Yorkshire submits plans for Government’s investment zones

North Yorkshire is pursuing further opportunities to support business and economic growth in the county with its submission of an expression of interest to the Government’s investment zones initiative.

North Yorkshire County Council was among authorities invited by the Government to submit a proposal. The Government has said that investment zones would release land for commercial or residential development. Within those sites developments will adhere to liberalised planning regulations and businesses will benefit from time-limited tax incentives.

The county council’s leader, Cllr Carl Les, said: “We are at a very early stage in the process, but this could be an exciting and welcome initiative that would enable us to work with the Government to deliver benefits for the North Yorkshire economy.

“Following discussions with our district council colleagues, we are submitting an expression of interest. This identifies a number of sites across the county that we feel fit the criteria from Government. We look forward to further negotiations with Government following our submission.”

The sites identified in the expression of interest are:

· Hambleton: Dalton, at Junction 49 on the A1.

· Harrogate: Harrogate, at Junction 47 of the A1; Potter Space Ripon, at Junction 50 of the A1; Harrogate Convention Centre.

· Richmondshire: the area around A1 Junctions 52 and 53.

· Ryedale: Eden Camp East, Malton.

· Scarborough: Scarborough Business Park.

· Selby: Gascoigne Wood Rail Interchange, Olympia Park, and sites at Eggborough, Kellingley and Sherburn.

Cllr Les said: “The sites we are putting forward for consideration are locations that have already been earmarked for commercial development to support business growth and job creation. The proposed benefits of investment zones could help to make these sites even more attractive to new businesses and accelerate development ambitions.

“We are fully aware of the need to minimise any environmental impacts, so all the sites we are putting forward have been selected in accordance with local planning and conservation policy. None are sensitive or protected sites.”

Proposed sites must meet the Government’s criteria to offer a significant economic opportunity, be ready to deliver quickly and align with the wider local strategy.

Once the Government has received the expressions of interest from invited authorities, further criteria will influence site selection, including consideration of the overall geographic distribution of investment zones, the balance between residential and commercial, and urban and rural sites and the readiness to deliver.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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