Eleven marketing secures foster carer recruitment campaign for GMCA

All local authorities are having to face up to the challenge of recruiting more foster carers to meet the needs of their cared for children and young people.

The ten local authorities in Greater Manchester are tackling this by coming together through the GMCA to commission a joint marketing initiative to broaden their reach and build a community of potential foster carers for the future.

Eleven is leading the development of this campaign (due to launch in Spring 2023), which will include a website and CRM to better nurture potential foster carers through the decision-making and recruitment process.

Eleven was awarded the contract following a competitive tender process involving specialist agencies from across the UK.

Clare Lydon, managing director at Eleven, added: “We’re delighted to be partnering with GMCA on this important campaign. As an agency we’re committed to marketing for good to marketing that makes the world a better place. And what is more important than trying to make the world a better place for our cared for children and young people by helping to provide reliable foster carers in safe and loving homes.

“We acknowledge that this is not going to be an easy task but, like our commissioners, we’re ready to face the challenge head on.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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