Leeds production house puts efficiency at heart of content production with rebrand

Leeds-based content production house, Powerhouse, has unveiled a new brand identity, proposition, and strategy following two successful decades of delivering great content without compromise to food and drink brands, and their creative agencies across the UK.

The 23-year-old firm has chosen to keep the name it’s been well known for Powerhouse - but has changed every other element of the business; including the strategic direction, services, look and feel, and market positioning.

It’s a move the firm made to lead the way for change in response to the rapid adoption of digital technology and social media over the last 10 years which has seen the industry’s approach to content become more connected and collective, across client’s marketing, planning, and strategy phases.

Founded in 1989 Powerhouse is a visual content production house, specialising and consulting in scalable creative content solutions tailored to the needs of pioneering food and drink brands, and their agencies.

Combining effective content strategy, considered food expertise, engaging creative and efficient production, the firm helps these brands cut through the noise and record a positive return on investment.

Recognizing that brands often consider content production at the very end of their marketing strategy, which leads to higher costs and limited content opportunities.

Powerhouse has developed an integrated service offering to support a more interconnected, agile, and cost-effective approach to content demands, allowing brands to produce content across every available consumer touchpoint at scale.

Neil Adams, founder of Powerhouse said: “Over the last three years, we’ve completely reengineered the business, the challenges food and drink brands face in a digital world has evolved, and the need for larger volumes of creative, responsive, and reactive content is essential.”

“Often, brands don’t have the time or capabilities in-house to really service true ‘content at scale’ or the time to plan it out alongside their marketing, so it becomes a ‘we need it now’ situation. This traditional way of working is extremely costly, risks brand messaging consistency, and ends up being far less efficient.”

“What we realised was if we brought experts into Powerhouse who live and breathe digital content strategy, consultancy thinking, and production strategy, we could support our brands by joining the conversation at the very beginning and support planning out this wealth of content demands across platforms – based on value, and ROI.”

“Not only has this saved them money, but it’s meant their content has a much greater impact and is tailored to their audience and the platforms they use. I’m extremely proud of the team for bringing this new approach to market and leading the way for content production at scale.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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