Plans submitted for affordable homes in Birmingham

Riverlow Group, a leading UK property developer and investor, has submitted plans for Queensgate Square adjacent to the Mailbox in Birmingham City Centre. The landmark residential development could deliver hundreds of new homes and 35 per cent affordable housing thought to be more than any development in Birmingham has achieved in 2022.

However, the proposals are under threat from an application for student accommodation on an adjacent site which risks sterilizing a large proportion of Queensgate Square and undermining its delivery.

This is due to the location of bedrooms and windows which would overlook Queensgate Square, restricting any building above a certain height. Plans for land at Gough Street and Suffolk Street promoted to applicant McAleer & Rush are set to be discussed and decided by councillors at Birmingham City Council’s Planning Committee on 1st December.

Riverlow Group has now appealed to Birmingham City Council officers to pause consideration of both planning applications so that collaboration with applicant McAleer & Rush can take place, maximising the overall benefit to Birmingham.

Max Reisner, director of research and development at Riverlow Group commented: “A short pause, would allow all parties to come together and not only maximise what can be delivered, but in our view improve the overall design of both schemes.

“We have already worked up potential design solutions and believe we can implement positive changes with little overall impact on the delivery of either scheme.

“The alternative is the very real prospect of leaving this important city centre site underdeveloped, and the city missing out on 35 per cent affordable housing which it desperately needs. We are appealing to Birmingham City Council to take action to avoid this.

“To pursue the current course could be a tragedy and one which fails to grasp the opportunities this location presents and the chance to contribute meaningfully to Birmingham City Council’s housing targets, as well as commercial, public, and community spaces.

“Working with McAleer & Rush, we can come to solution which drives major positive benefits in this location over the long term. To be clear, we support development across both sites, but are eager to ensure no opportunity is missed to deliver genuine benefit to the city.

“We have already secured significant levels of support for development through the consultation process, with residents and others keen to see new homes delivered in this important location.”

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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