Yorkshire entrepreneur celebrates 1st year success pioneering freelancer community

Yorkshire-based, virtual agency, Interim Digital, is celebrating its first full year in business, which was founded to revolutionise the freelancer community model.

Keen to change the way digital marketing agencies do business, Interim Digital has capitalised on the demand for digital talent by growing a trusted and highly experienced community of digital specialists from ex-agency backgrounds to plug the growing digital skills gap that many agencies are facing.

The pandemic accelerated businesses’ digital transformations and during the last year alone, 54,000 new digital marketing positions have become available. The agency was launched as a way to help plug the growing digital skills gap that agencies across the UK are facing. In their first 12 months of doing business, the Interim community has grown to 70 members and turned over £200,000 in revenue.

By adopting a community-led approach, Interim Digital has attracted and retained the very best freelancers in the industry through a mix of freelancer referral incentives, clear payment terms, and most importantly, creating a culture of working for an agency but in a freelancer environment

Transforming the way freelancers work with digital agencies, Interim Digital facilitates true integration of digital specialisms by hand selecting freelancers that are expertly tailored to collaborate on client briefs.

Sourcing freelancers from across the digital landscape, every skill is catered for including; tech SEOs, content writers, digital PR specialists, CRO experts, digital project managers, analytics experts and more.

Interim Digital was keen to find out what digital freelancers wanted from project work and their clients to keep them happy. After consulting with their database, the company developed a vision for the ideal freelancer community which would in turn serve to create the ideal agency partnerships.

Founder of Interim Digital, Ginny Nicholls, who has worked in the digital marketing industry for over 12 years now, explained the need for a virtual agency, saying:

“Demand for digital marketing talent is at an all-time high. Recruiters are struggling to find candidates to fill roles that agencies are desperate for, as many have turned to freelance work due to COVID and a desire to find a better work-life balance. If they do manage to fill a role, it’s costing companies much more for even the most junior roles that now command significantly larger salaries.

“Our freelance community consists exclusively of ex-agency talent and ex-brand who have a lot of experience and unique specialisms so that agencies can meet their clients’ needs without the high salary tag and cost of recruitment. It’s a model that is working well for both our agency partners and our freelancers.”

Whilst Interim’s HQ is located in Yorkshire, they work with freelancers all over the UK and aim to expand their client base in the same way; the company aims to diversify and widen the success of the freelancer community model with future plans to expand into the US and Australia.

By Mark Adair – Correspondent, Bdaily

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